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Privacy Policy

COMPANY DATA In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the identification data of the company are set out below.

  • Legal Name: Sophia Katharina Eisenbarth
  • Tax identification number: x2256375
  • Location: Barcelona
  • Email:

The website is owned by Sophia Katharina Eisenbarth under the trade name CASCAVEL pattern design atelier.

Access to the Cascavel website implies acceptance of all the following conditions:


The logo and the name, as well as other distinctive signs (graphic or word), that appear on this website, are the exclusive property of CASCAVEL, so this entity is the only one authorized to use them.

The contents of this website, texts, images, etc. as well as its graphic design and its source code are protected by Spanish legislation on intellectual and industrial property rights in favour of CASCAVEL.

Therefore, its reproduction, distribution or public communication, totally or partially, is strictly prohibited without the express authorization of CASCAVEL.


In the same way, as described in the previous paragraphs, the domain names “” and all those that serve to access this site are the exclusive property of CASCAVEL. The improper use of them would be a violation of the rights acquired by their registration and will be prosecuted by the means provided in the Law.


The user is expressly authorized by CASCAVEL to view, print, copy or store on their hard disk or any other physical media, the contents and assets protected or not by an exclusive right (except for computer programs), provided that This action is carried out for the personal and private use of the user, without commercial or distribution purpose and without modifying, altering or decompiling the aforementioned rights and contents. This personal use license is understood to be made as long as the warnings to the copyright and industrial property rights that are made are respected intact, without this implying the granting of any license to the user.

Any other use of the contents or intellectual creations of this site will require the express and written authorization of CASCAVEL.


Cascavel reserves at all times the exercise of whatever means or legal actions correspond to it in defense of its legitimate intellectual and industrial property rights against unauthorized use of them or any action that could harm them.


The links that the user can find while browsing this website allow him to leave this site.

The linked sites are not related, unless otherwise indicated, with CASCAVEL, who is not responsible for the contents accessed by the aforementioned links, nor for the modifications made therein, neither of the use made of those, or of their technical availability.

In any case, CASCAVEL undertakes to do everything possible to prevent the existence on its website of links to pages of illegal content, which promote illegal, racist, xenophobic and, in general, activities that are likely to violate the principles of freedom and of human dignity or violate the values ​​and rights recognized by the Spanish Constitution and by the Universal 

Declaration of Human Rights.

If any user considers that any link included in the Website undermines their rights in any way or if it is the slightest damage, they should only communicate it by sending an email to Cascavel, having the confidence that appropriate measures will be taken in this regard.


CASCAVEL is not responsible for the misuse that is made of the contents of our website, being the sole responsibility of the person who accesses or uses them.


CASCAVEL reserves the right to modify or eliminate, without prior notice, both the information contained in its website, as well as its configuration and presentation, without assuming any responsibility for it.


CASCAVEL assumes no responsibility that may arise from technical problems or computer equipment failures that occur during the connection to the Internet, as well as damage that could be caused by third parties through illegitimate interference beyond CASCAVEL’s control.

We are also exempt from any responsibility for possible damages or losses that the user may suffer as a result of errors, defects or omissions in the information we provide when it comes from sources outside of us.


In general, access to the content provided by “CASCAVEL” will be free and free, and users will not be required to provide personal data, subscribe, or use passwords or passwords, except for restricted access to the customer section of “CASCAVEL”.

When for the hiring or request of information of a certain service it is necessary to provide personal data, users will guarantee its veracity, accuracy, authenticity and validity. “CASCAVEL” undertakes to give said data the corresponding automated treatment depending on their nature and purpose, under the conditions and terms that are reflected in the Privacy Policy.

For those cases in which the use of passwords (username and password) is necessary, the user agrees to use them according to the following restrictions:

The keys, chosen by the user, must not be contrary to morality and generally accepted good customs, nor in any way infringe the rights of industrial and intellectual property and honor and the image of third parties.

The access codes are for personal and exclusive use of the user, and their custody and correct use are the responsibility of the same. “CASCAVEL” is not responsible for any damage that the user or third parties may incur as a result of other people using their passwords, with or without the user’s consent or knowledge.

However, “CASCAVEL” undertakes to comply with the duty of secrecy regarding the keys registered and used by users.


The use of the “CASCAVEL” Web site must obey the content of these General Conditions, any applicable legal provisions and the requirements of morality and generally accepted good customs, as well as those of public order.

Unless previously and expressly authorized by “CASCAVEL”, users may only make use of the content and services offered on this website on a personal basis, refraining from performing any act that, directly or indirectly, involves their commercial exploitation.

In any case, users will use the contents and services provided by “CASCAVEL” by current legislation and will assume the responsibilities that correspond to them for behaviours or activities that, in any way, may be unlawful or harmful to the rights of third parties or that may harm, prevent or limit the use of this website to other users.

Users agree not to transmit or disseminate through “CASCAVEL” messages, images, photographs, software, data or content that:

  • in any way they contravene or attempt against fundamental rights recognized by the legal system.
  • induce, incite or promote criminal, denigrative, defamatory, infamous, violent, discriminatory actions based on sex, race, religion or ideology, or, in general, are contrary to law, morality or public order.
  • they are false, ambiguous, inaccurate, exaggerated, obscene or extemporaneous.
  • are protected by any intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to third parties, unless prior and sufficient authorization from their rightful owner.
  • injure or may injure the right to honor, personal privacy, in the own image of third parties or violate the regulations on the secrecy or confidentiality of communications.
  • constitute illegal, deceptive or unfair advertising.
  • contain viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs or any other material or program that may damage or alter the operation of computer equipment or systems.

“CASCAVEL” reserves the unilateral right, at any time and without prior notice or justification, to deny access to its website to those users who violate these General Conditions of Use.


Sophia Katharina Eisenbarth informs the users of this website, that it may create an automated file with the personal data that is made known to the aforementioned owner, as a result of the use of this website and because of emails, or either on those collected through our contact form, in strict compliance with the provisions of the data protection legislation.

In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, users may exercise, at any time, the rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation of their data, which would have been collected and archived. The exercise of these rights must be carried out by means of a written communication addressed to the Cascavel head office or to the email address, indicating, in any case, as a reference “Personal Data” and the aforementioned right that they claim act, attaching a copy of your National Identity Document.

The recorded data could be used to provide and / or offer you our services, to perform statistics, referral of advertising – even by electronic means -, incident management or market research, among other activities.

Where appropriate, the personal data provided by the users may be communicated to a third party only for the fulfilment of the aforementioned purposes and with the prior consent of the interested parties, which shall be deemed granted if nothing appears to the contrary within fifteen days since they provided their data. In any case, the aforementioned consent may be revocable at any time by written communication addressed to the head office of the holder, indicating as reference “Low Personal Data”.